Sociology 1021E Study Guide - Final Guide: Contingency Table, Epidemiological Transition, Media Bias

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Document Summary

Durkheim"s theory of suicide is an example of functionalism. Durkheim suicide rates varied as a result of differences in the degree of social solidarity. The social solidarity is lower, because youth are less rooted in the society and less likely to shared moral standards. Sociological imagination: the ability to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures. Origins of sociology were based on scientific methods of research and a vision of the ideal society. The causes and consequences of postindustrialism and globalization form great sociological puzzles. The tension between equality and inequality of opportunity, and between freedom and constraint, are among the chief interests of sociology today. Max weber thought that politics and religion are also important sources of historical change. Michel foucault- the exercise of power is unstable. Poststructuralism- social and cultural elements as binary opposites: symbolic interactionism. Harriet martineau criticized slavery, factory laws and gender inequality. 2: voluntary participation, harm minimization, right to privacy, authenticity.