Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Symbolic Interactionism, Conflict Theories, Consumerism

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Argued that suicide rates vary because of differences in the degree of social solidarity in different groups. According to durkheim, the more a group"s members share beliefs and values, and the more frequently and intensely they interact, the more social solidarity a group exhibits. They are formed during face to face interaction. Families, friendship circles and work associations are all examples of microstructures. Macrostructures are patterns of social relations that lie outside and above your circle of intimates and acquaintances. Macrostructures include class relations and patriarchy the traditional system of economic and political inequality between women and men in most societies. Global structures are international organizations, patterns of worldwide travel and communication, and the economic relations between countries are examples of global structures. Global structures are increasingly important as inexpensive travel and communication allow all parts of the world to become interconnected culturally, economically and politically. Sociological imagination the ability to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures.