Sociology 1020 : Sociology 1020 - Everything you need to know for 90%+

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Document Summary

Goals of sociology: describe social world, explain the how and why, critique existing social arrangements. It is looking through a different lens, focusing on patterned group behaviour. Although there will be exceptions, watch are the patterns. Try to answer how group affect action, not individual based. Auguste comte (1938) is father of sociology: a new way of looking at the world , coined term sociology. Wanted to understand rapid social change that was occurring as the church lost power over society during the industrialization- the influence and addition of science and technology, 17th-19th centuries. Focused on the rapid shift from agrarian to manufactured society. Believed in positivism, understanding the world based on science (not religion), and understanding society through the scientific method. Peter berger- must see the general in the particulars. Wright mills- sociological imagination, must be able to stand outside an everyday level and look at the world from different perspectives.