Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ethnomethodology, Cultural Capital, Mass Surveillance

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What is sociology: sociology is the systematic study of human behaviour in social. Insofar as these social structures open up some opportunities and close off others, they influence human behaviour. Consequently, people can resist and change cultural blueprints that they find unacceptable: cultural beliefs, norms, tastes, and values are selective in their emphasis, they give higher priority to some ideas, preferences, and rules than others. Rationalization leads to a hurried, stressful life governed by the clock: consumerism locks individuals into judging their worth by fashion- able acquisitions, cultural capital bars those without certain kinds of knowledge from entering valuable social spheres. In response, school attendance became mandatory, and labour laws prohibited children from working in the paid labour market. In each historical period then, we can see that socialization prepares individuals to become the people society needs them to be. Cultural globalization, medical advances, and computer-assisted communication are among the factors that have made the self more flexible.