Sociology 2241E Study Guide - Final Guide: Blue Baby Syndrome, Postfeminism, Sex Segregation

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Lecture: biological assumption: men and women are from different species mainly because of our different anatomies. History of biology- constructing gender: pre 18 th century. : (theology)- gender explained from theology- god created man and woman and purpose of woman was to have babies. Darwinism and gender: differences in men/women are based on differences in brain structure, women had smaller brains so they should not be educated because it will cause brains to increase and uterus to shrink. Biology constructs sexes: social life stems from biological differences between men and women, 3 research on biological determinism to explain gender differences, evolutionary theory, brain research, endocrinological research on sex hormones. Sex on a continuum- intersex: assumption of essentialist notion of 2 sexes. Intersex accounts for 1. 7 of all births: doctors will correct condition at birth: 90% of time infant is identified as female, 1 in 2000 births are ambiguous, 1 in 100 births have some sort of genitalia anomaly.