[Sociology 2241E] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (94 pages long!)

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The hearings occur before an administrative board, not a judge. Jurisdiction of the rta: landlord and tenant board hears disputes and makes orders (administrative board, $ amount must be under ,000 (s. 207 rta, dispute must be heard in a court if dispute is over ,000. If the rta does not apply, there are still protections under the common law (judge-made law) and/or other statutes. Landlords and tenants should speak to each other to resolve dispute (talk amongst themselves first) If you come to an agreement, get it in writing, sign it, date, keep a copy. Tenants application with supporting docs. filed with board board gives notice of hearing tenant serves. Hearing on tenant possible mediation hearing. 106(2) rta: post-dated cheques, landlord cannot require a tenant to provide post-dated cheques or automatic payment (s. 108. Roommate agreements: sets out legal obligations, responsibilities and remedies, tenants on one lease are jointly and severally liable to landlord: