Sociology 2145B Final: Sociology of Work - Practice Multiple Choice

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The many low-skill, low-paid workers in factories in developing countries. The available jobs advertised in print and electronic media. A virtual arena in which employers seek to purchase labour from potential employees looking for a job that suits them. All labour market participants compete in an open market. Education and training have little to do with getting ahead in the labour market. Employers make hiring decisions primarily on the basis of who they like. A farmer"s son going to university and becoming a mechanical engineer. A well-educated immigrant working long hours in a low-paying job to pay for his children"s university education. A small business owner selling his business to his son for a very low price. The young daughter of a lawyer mother and a doctor father wanting to become a neurosurgeon. In her book nickel and dimed (2001), barbara ehrenreich describes her experiences working in several different jobs in the secondary labour market.