Psychology 3723F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Psych, Consistency, Physical Attractiveness

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Early studies of friendship revealed that physical proximity to another person makes it more likely that we will like them possibly due to positive interactions with those individuals positive attitude. Zajonc: suggests that mere exposure to a stimulus may be sufficient, even without direct interaction, to evoke a. This effects occurs when repeated, simple exposure to an object leads to more favorable feelings toward o it o of novel foreign words (#1), chinese ideographs (#2), and human faces (#3) He conducted 3 experiments to demonstrate the mere exposure effect participants were exposed to sets. It was found that participants formed more positive evaluations of the stimuli that they had been shown more frequently effects was powerful. The effect of repeated exposure diminished somewhat at higher levels of exposure, but overall o. The effect was apparent across a diverse set of stimuli. Moreland and beach: provided an interesting application of the mere exposure effect o o.