Psychology 2990A/B Study Guide - Jury Trial, Publication Ban, Henry Morgentaler

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Constitutional (charter) right to a jury trial extends to only some criminal. Only for more serious offences (penality of 5 years or more in prison) Ex: suing someone, dispute between you and your roommate or another. No absolute right to a jury trial (depends on provincial legislation) Ex: allowed in ontario but not in quebec (however even though they are. The canadian jury: selecting 12 representative and impartial peers. Relatively rare (even though we believe it is common) 2 types of trials: civil trial (disputes between citizens/groups) person, etc. allowed they are still rare. In quebec, it will just be a judge alone. No jury0: criminal trials (offences against the crown) (lol against the queen, her crown and dignity- this is what is means by against the crown) offences: They apply the law (as defined by judges) Render an unamimous verdict of guilty or not guilty.