Psychology 2800E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Grey Literature, Simple Explanation, Apa Style

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Authority based on other"s knowledge that is a respected person or a person that has power: may have a lot of knowledge but they might be wrong (ex. Doctors, parents doctors make false diagnosis, parents lie about santa clause) Intuition spontaneous perception/judgement not based on reasoned mental steps: common sense practical intelligence shared by a group of people (ex. 2 heads are better than one but too many cooks ruin the soup) Practise of old techniques isn"t tested easily: counterintuitive something that goes against common sense. Science - a way of obtaining knowledge by means of observation. Relying on direct experiences and observation: show me or shut up , see intuition and common sense above. Problems: subjective empiricism is too relied on (informal, intuitive experiences and observation) common sense is an example, subjective experiences and observations are often biased (ex.