Psychology 2800E Study Guide - Alternative Hypothesis, Internal Consistency, Statistical Hypothesis Testing

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Institutional review board: comprised of a broad spectrum of university professors and community representatives, every research project is subject to review by this. Anonymity: situations which there is no way to link responses to specific participants, including the investigator. Confidentiality: situations in which responses/information obtained from participants are initially linked if certain situations arise, but no one other than the researcher will have access to. Hyperclaims: claims about the importance of the research that are not realistic. Deception: in cases where full disclosure may produce demand characteristics, indications about what the results should be like, which would potentially compromise the results. Passive deception: withholding of information in the informed consent phase. Active deception: giving false information about some conditions of the study. Placebo group: no treatment is given in the experiment. Active treatment control: comparing one treatment to an already established treatment.