Psychology 2720A/B Final: Chapter 12: Prejudice - Final Exam Review

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Prejudice = negative attitudes held toward another person solely based on the fact that they are a member of a group: e. g. , disliking black people or thinking that they are all the same. Discrimination = negative actions towards a person because they are a member of an out-group: e. g. , not allowing women to become police officers. Scape goat theory = members of dominant groups release their anger, disappointment and frustration on members of minority groups. Realistic-group conflict theory = there is prejudice between groups because they have to compete for resources as a means of survival and result in increased prejudice. Ultimate attribution error = overestimating the role of internal characteristics when evaluating a group as a whole. Economic competition = lack of power and economic resources results in an increase in prejudice. Social categorization = we have limited capacity in our information processing: we categorize people to help us make sense of the social world.