Psychology 2660A/B Midterm: Week 5 and 7

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Wo r k / j o b anal y s is. J o b de s c rip tio n. J o b eva lu a tio n. C ompens ation c riterion d evelopment s election . J o b s p e c ific a tio n. 5: assessment methods for selection and placement (cid:862)who is (cid:271)est suited to the jo(cid:271)? (cid:863) Knowledge- what the person knows about a job. Skills: something a person is able to do. Individual tests: necessary because the administrator has to score the items as the test proceeds or an apparatus is involved: often used in administering cognitive ability tests to children. Closed ended tests: test taker must choose one from several possible responses eg. mc test: preferred- greater ease in scoring. Open ended tests: test taker must generate a response rather than choosing a correct response: more appropriate for some characteristics, eg. writing ability write an essay.