[Psychology 2410A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (61 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Multidimensional: changes in how the brain and mind work, how people deal with one another, Lifelong: our coverage will stop at teens in this class, but development continues into old age. etc. Multidirectional: some things get better (first language development, etc. ) and some get worse (lose ease to pick up second language when older). Plastic: how capable something is to change at that time. For example, children are like sponges, taking in information more than elderly people do. Contextual: how the environment and historical context affect their development. Cognitive processes: changes in abilities to solve problems and remember things. Socio-emotional processes: our temperament, how we deal with people, etc: nature and nurture: Environment affects the child: active and passive. Child as passive recipient: continuity and discontinuity. Discontinuity: life is split up into stages. Depends on how closely you are examining changes overtime. Can look different from different perspectives: stability and change.