[Psychology 2221B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 102 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Biopsychology: the scientific study of the biology of behavior. Biological approach to the study of psychology (the scientific approach of behavior) Integrative discipline; draw together knowledge from the other neuroscientific disciplines and apply it to the study of behavior. D. o hebb the organization of behavior : played key role of the emergence of biopsy. Hebb"s theory discredited the view that psychological functioning is too complex to have its roots in the physiology and chemistry od the brain. Based theory on experiments with humans, lab animals, case studies, observations of his own daily life. Neurons: cells that receive and transmit electrochemical signals. 1 billion neurons, 1 trillion connections between them, & an infinite number of paths that neural signals can follow. Galvani: discovered that neurons communicate in part through electrical activity. Neuroscience: getting us to understand what is going on in the brain using our brains. 4 major themes: thinking creatively about psychology, clinical implication, the evolutionary perspective, neuroplasticity.