Psychology 2220A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Drug Tolerance, Delirium Tremens

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Chapter 15: drug addiction and the brain"s reward circuit. Psychoactive drugs: drugs that influence subjective experience and behavior by acting on the nervous system. Drug administration: route of administration influences the rate at which and the degree to which the drug reaches its site of action. Intravenously (iv): into veins, drug delivered directly to brain. In order for a psychoactive drug to have an effect, it must get to the brain; it must pass through the blood-brain barrier. The actions of most drugs are terminated by enzymes in the liver: drug metabolism. Small amounts may also be excreted in urine, sweat, feces, breath, and mother"s milk. Drug tolerance is decreased sensitivity to a drug as a consequence of exposure to it. Cross tolerance: exposure to one drug can produce tolerance to similar drugs. Tolerance often develops to some effects and not others. Can also have an inverse tolerance or sensitization.