[Psychology 2210A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 45 pages long Study Guide!

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Overview an interest in animal cognition were presented by early philosophers such as. Aristotle and later rene descartes field of comparative cognition, tradition emerged from work of early experimental psychologists who devised controlled experiments. Hallmarks of comparative cognition field is characterized by three unifying hallmarks: examination of cognitive processes. Often equated with info processing in that the study of cognition examines. Cognition: knowledge or thinking how humans and animals acquire, store, and process information. More specifically mental processes and activities used in perceiving, remembering, thinking and understanding and the act of using these processes : any cognitive process is internal. Helped determine that social learning has a profound impact on reproductive behaviour. 1. 2 influence: theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin introduced idea that one type of animal could descend from another type of animal, but his hypothesis of how this occurred was novel.