Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coding Theory, Anterograde Amnesia, Dementia

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Basically says that items near the beginning and end of a long list are remembered. Primacy effect: we are better at remembering the items at the beginning this is. Recency effect: we are better at remembering items at the end stm. We don"t find the recency effect if it is tested after a delay because it is in the. One group was told to make a mental image of two items interacting with each. This made them twice as good at recalling the two words as the people who simply. Paired associates task: other tired repeating the words. We can learn things verbally and visually but it is better if we use both when. This is better for concrete objects that we can easily visualize such as a fire truck. Relating things to yourself improves your memory for information. This is why demonstrations in class are helpful. Is even more effective than just focusing on the meaning.