Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Speech Segmentation, Coarticulation, Phoneme

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Symbols are completely arbitrary words/sounds do not usually look or sound. 5 basic properties of language: symbolic like what they represent, structured. Each language has its own rules: coveys meaning meaning. Once people know the words and rules of languages they can communicate. This aspect allows us to describe how we are feeling, etc: generative/creative. Symbols can be combined to create an infinite number of messages and allows us to express ideas that have never been expressed before: permits displacement. Can refer to objects or events that are not physically present. Sounds/letters make up words/phrases which make up sentences which make up paragraphs: universal. Pragmatics: practical application of language, it includes things like the language that we use in a given social situation, also includes the language used in formal vs. informal situations. Many phonemes differ along a continuum so you would think that language would. Categorical phonemic perception: be like a continuum too.