Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sensory Memory, Psych, Parietal Lobe

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Iconic store: visual sensory register that lasts for half a second. Echoic store: visual sensory register that lasts for 2 seconds. Information that we attend to makes it to short-term memory but it fades quickly. Includes what you are currently thinking about, what we are trying to remember and things that we have remembered and are currently thinking about. Their results got worse as they went on. Peterson & peterson thought that this was due to decay. Keppel & underwood looked at this further and fond that the participants we doing okay at the beginning, even at 18 seconds, but as they went on they were doing worse they attributed this to proactive interference. Proactive interference: remembering old information interferes with your ability. Retroactive interference: remembering new information interferes with your to learn new things ability to recall old information.