Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Knowledge Representation And Reasoning, Embodied Cognition, Temporal Lobe

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Categorization and knowledge organize the sensory world into meaningful and usable mental structures. Fundamental cognitive mechanisms recruited to bring structure to sensory world. Logical systems aka amodal systems: hierarchical models, spreading activation, schema theory. Imagine playing tennis this activates perceptual areas of the brain: dual-code theory (paivio) Information is represented in combined verbal and visual codes: both perceptual and non-perceptual information is present, emphasis on using language to remember a face (amodal, paivio used the idea that the formation of mental images aids in learning. If sentence refers to motor activities, there"s activation in the motor cortex. Found a very small effect, might not be a replicable experiment. Hierarchical model collins and quillian: knowledge is organized as a hierarchy within a spreading activation system. Level 1 superordinate level information about animals: what"s true about animals is true about anything under this level. Level 2 basic level types of animals.