Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stage Illusions, Cognitive Psychology, Empiricism

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Cognitive psychology: the scientific study of the mind (& beh"r: mechanics (specific parts & how they fit together) & processes (how it works) of the mind. Insight: idea of a person who thinks & suddenly answer comes to them in a flash when we need to make a decision. Major portion of human psychology; influences many other areas of study; want to know more about one"s own mind. Note: good example of inferring mental processes from behavior: measured beh"r (rt), used this to infer a mental process (decision time) Ebbinghaus" forgetting curve: results: memory decreases very quickly early on, then rate of forgetting slows, other forgetting curves: similar patterns found; only diff is that ebbinghaus"s forgetting curve was remarkably fast. Ebbinghaus" savings : how quickly he could re-memorize a list, after forgetting: e. g. , takes 1000sec to learn a list from scratch.