Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Twin, The Roots, Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence

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Psych 2135 textbook notes final exam chapters 12 & 13. Easy to come up with 6, ahrd to come up with 12. The participants who came up with 6 easily thought they must be very assertive because they had no trouble finding examples. Harder to find 12 examples so these people assumed they must be less assertive individuals even though they had more proof of assertiveness than the group with 6 examples. Covariation x and y covary if x tends to be on the scene whenever y is and if x tends to be absent whenever y is. Base rates: base-rate information information about how frequently something occurs in general, people often ignore base rates even though without them, much other statistical information is meaningless. Ways of thinking: type 1 and type 2: type 1: fast, easy thinking, three factors are crucial for swift effortless judgments made by working professionals such as firefighters and nurses, 1.