Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Alan Baddeley, Frontal Lobe, Memory Span

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Lose access to information across time, whether through forgotten, interference, or retrieval cue. E. g. bad events that you don"t remember could be a good think to forget, mundane things. Everyday memory failures in remembering information and intended activities, probably caused by insuf cient attention or super cial, automatic processing during encoding (you were not paying attention) E. g. can be good because it lets you do things automatically. Temporary retrieval failure or loss of access, such as the tip-of-the- tongue state, in either episodic or semantic memory. Remembering a fact correctly from past experiences but attributing it to an incorrect source or context. E. g like shown in class with donald trump, brian williams and chris. The tendency to incorporate information provided by others into your. E. g childhood events are heavily informed by parents and friends, consistent with photographs, it is suggested by other people.