Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Euroscience, Subjective Constancy, Agnosia

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Cognitive psychology the study of human thought; the study of information processing; branch of psychology concerned w/the scientific study of the mind: mental abilities common to all people, what these abilities tell us about individual differences. There is always many possibilities, objects, memories, perceptions, etc. but only a few of them are relevant. People rely on past experiences when doing things. A lot of past experience to sort through. Use satificing (simon) solution, but it"s good enough: find the memory that satisfies the solution, might not be the best. Nativism: plato, descartes, kant, emphasis on that which is innate. Empiricism: locke, hume, stuart mill, emphasis on experience/learning. Application of the scientific method to understanding psychology. Determines what kinds of data are collected: puts constraints on conclusions. Structuralism our overall experience is determined by combining basic elements of experience tat structuralists called sensations. Studying cognitive processes by looking inward introspection: analytic introspection describe experiences &thought processes in response to stimuli.