Psychology 2134A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 178 pages long!)

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Chapter 1 - animal communication and human language. Communication - behavior intended to influence another organism. Vocal/speech, facial expressions, body postures, movements, odors, even glowing/flashing. The purposes of animal communication the four f s: food. Found that waggle dance conveys direction and distance: foe: avoiding predators. Alarm call warns other members of the group (conspecific) about approaching predators. Vervet monkeys have three alarm calls: eagle leopard snake . What is an important limitation of the communication system used by monkeys? (pg, 6: friend: finding your place in society. Social system in which each member knows who ranks above and who ranks below. E. g. , rat pups emit ultrasound when they fall from nest, Picking fleas and dirt from fur of conspecifics. Form of communication because it influences other"s behavior: finding a mate: getting your genes into the next generation. Males advertise their genetic prowess to attract mates. E. g. , peacock feathers, bullfrog croaking, birdsong, firefly lights.