Psychology 2115A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Auditory Cortex, Gustav Fechner, Visual Cortex

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Perception: sensation: stimulation of the sensory organs. Ex. light eye or sound waves ear: perception: organizing sensory information into representations of the physical stimulus. Sound of waves of different frequency pitch. Ex. recognize a face or a song, etc. Ex. orange is the distal stimulus and scent molecules from the air are the proximal stimulus: transduction, translate proximal stimulus into neural signals. Each sense has specialized receptor cells to detect and convert specific environmental stimuli. Thousands of receptors fire for a single stimulus (ex. seeing an apple: neural processing. Combines information from different receptors within a sense: ex. Rgb cones relative firing rate is combined into a single percept of yellow. Signals for each sense first go to a specific primary receiving area in the brain: ex. primary visual cortex, primary auditory cortex, etc. Also may combine across the senses (occurs in the association area of the brain: ex. playing a musical instrument(piano) may involve visual, auditory, and tactile information.