Psychology 2080A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Desirability Bias, Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence, Divergent Thinking

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Lecture 5 pt 1 writing and evaluating test items. Types of test items selected response: any type of test where you need to pick from a variety of answers. Multiple choice: polytomous more than 2 alternatives. If distractors are bad or ineffective less reliable test. Intrusion of error due to things like: reading time, comprehension, etc. Common issues with multiple-choice item writing: guessing by chance alone the test taker is expected to get 25% of the total number of items correct. Likert scale: named for the scale developer, rensis likert, basi(cid:272) idea: (cid:373)easu(cid:396)i(cid:374)g a pa(cid:396)ti(cid:272)ipa(cid:374)t"s attitudes or beliefs about something. Test taker must indication the degree of agreement with a particular question: strongly disagree to strongly agree. Similar to likert but with more choices ex. 10-point scale: reliability depends on, good instructions, nu(cid:373)(cid:271)e(cid:396) of (cid:272)atego(cid:396)ies (cid:894) (cid:1005)(cid:1004)(cid:895, can have too many.