Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Sexual Activity, Magnus Hirschfeld, Havelock Ellis

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Western"s campus: 49% reduction in western"s pregnancy rate due to disinhibition of emotional barriers to contraception, and the spread of information and scripting contraceptive behavioural skills ( can we talk book and video) The ultimate sti : transmitted through sexual interaction (most pleasurable activity and required for species survival), fully functional for ten years. Understanding and promoting hiv prevention involves an information- For safer sex to occur people must be informed, motivated to act, and skilled. Self-acceptance of sexuality (i am a legitimately sexual being) Learning relevant information about hiv (transmission and prevention) Bringing up, negotiating prevention or existing an unsafe situation (can we talk about using a condom?) Public preventative acts (buy condoms, seek hiv testing) Consistent practice of prevention and self- and partner- reinforcement (feeling of relief, expressions of thanks) Shifting preventative scripts (abstinence to hiv testing or protected intercourse) Promotion of hiv prevention involves changing the information motivation .