Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Pederasty, Behaviorism, Ethnocentrism

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Historical/religious perspective: prehistoric times: female idols and phallic worship, worshiped females because they reproduce, reproduction was essential, phallic=symbol of the penis, the penis was special, ancient hebrews: saw sex as a wonderful part of marriage, believed that having sex would lead to more hebrews fruitful &multiply , ancient greeks: thought every human being was bisexual, believed that gods were both male and female, saw homosexuality as natural, pederasty: men (after puberty) who engage in sexual relationships with older, roman empire: valued the family and frowned upon homosexuality, a lot of sexual excess, christianity developed at about the same time, attitudes about human sexuality in christianity were developed by the romans men. Tuesday september 17, 2013: why would god make us sexual beings if it was sinful, scientific rationalism, victorian era: sex became repressed again, sexuality was thought to be a base instinct, women were considered asexual and too pure not troubled with sexual feelings of any kind .