Psychology 2075 Quiz: Skinner personality theory

72 views3 pages
28 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Skinner showed little interest in what goes on (cid:498)inside(cid:499) people. Argued for a strong brand of determinism, asserting that behavior is fully determined by environmental stimuli. People show some consistent patterns of behavior because they have some stable response tendencies that they have acquired through experience. Because response tendencies are constantly being strengthened or weakened by new experiences, skinner"s theory views personality development as a continuous, lifelong journey. Bandura and like-minded theorists originally called their modified brand of behaviorism social learning theory. Conditioning is not a mechanical process in which people are passive participants. Bandura advocates a position called reciprocal determinism. Environment does determine behavior, but also behavior determines the environment. Reciprocal determinism is the idea that internal mental events, external environmental events, and overt behavior all influence one another. Observational learning occurs when an organism"s responding is influenced by the.