Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dildo, Hormone Therapy, Dysfunctional Family

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Many terms used for abnormal sexual behaviour, including: sexual deviance, perversion, sexual variance, and paraphilia. Sexual variations will be used in this chapter because it is currently favoured in scientific circles. How can anyone come up with a reasonable set of criteria for what is abnormal. Statistical definition an abnormal sexual behaviour is one that is rare or not practised by many people. E. g. standing on one"s hands while having intercourse would be considered abnormal because it is rarely done. The definition unfortunately doesn"t give us insight into the psychological or social functioning of the person who engages in the behaviour. Sociological approach the problem of culture dependence is explicitly acknowledged sociologist might define a sexual behaviour that violates the norms of society as a deviant (or abnormal) sexual behaviour. If society says that a particular sexual behaviour is deviant it is at least in that society.