Psychology 2070A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Christa Mcauliffe, Narcissism, Adelphi University

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A young man approached people on the street. Pointed to man standing by parking meter 50 feet away. Sometimes the requester was dressed in normal clothes. Sometimes the requester was dressed in the uniform of a security guard. (cid:498)see that guy over there by the meter? (e(cid:495)s overparked but doesn(cid:495)t have any change. Requester then turned a corner and walked away dime! (cid:499) Percentage of passersby who gave the man at the parking meter a dime: 77% of the original participants went along with this erroneous judgement at least once during the study (12 critical trials) 32% of the original participants went along on the majority of the 12 critical trials (7 or more) This setting elicited normative influence (not informational influence) Asch and other researchers investigated the influence of several factors on conformity in this paradigm, e. g. nature of the task (e. g. , ambiguity, difficulty) Even one dissenter makes a large difference.