Psychology 2070A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Counterfactual Thinking, Self-Perception Theory, In-Group Favoritism

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3: scientific study, social construal"s how individuals personally interpret a social situation, how other people affect us, other people affect how we interpret events. Ex. bystander intervention individuals fail to intervene b/c they rely on other people to interpret the event: other people affect how we feel about ourselves. Social comparison comparing ourselves to other people to make judgments about the self. The presence of other people can elicit very different behaviour than would have occurred if individuals were alone. Hindsight bias tendency to think that a known outcome was obvious o. Social psychology"s early history: earliest publication 1898 experiment addressed whether the presence of an audience improves individual"s performances. Dismissed the importance of unobservable mental concepts like thoughts : gestalt theory people"s overall, subjective interpretations of objects are more attitudes important than the objects" physical features. Objects are perceived in their totality as a unit.