Psychology 2040A/B Midterm: Chapter 8: Cognition - Piaget

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271 - 300) cognition: thought processes and mental activities, including attention, memory, concept formation and problem solving, which are evident from early infancy onward younger children seem to think di erently than older children. Overall: according to piaget, the evolution of thought shows a universal regularity. 4 months of age, will lift cloth of partially covered object of show some reaction, such as surprise when an object disappears. 1. the individual child"s current stage of development must be carefully taken into account as teachers plan lessons. Piaget"s theories has spawned a host of debates about the fundamental nature of cognitive change these debates are a tribute to the power of his ideas and his contribution to the scienti c process. Piaget underestimated the abilities of infants and young children many researchers have found that when cognitive tasks are simpli ed or restructured, children display cognitive skills at much earlier ages than what piaget believed possible.