Psychology 2035A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Demon, American Psychiatric Association, Anorexia Nervosa

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Jim in psychiatric hospital: do u know why u are here, one day i knew that aliens have taken over my next door neighbor, shooting his neighbors, ended up in hospital. In every 90 seconds, an adolescent in north america commit suicide. Normal and abnormal exist on a continuum. One end is normal and other end is abnormal: the dsm-5 classification system (p424) Part 2: what causes psychological disorders: the demonic perspective. Evil spirits invade the body: ancient ritual was to drill a hole so spirits can escape, thought to be witches and burned at the stake, the medical (biological) perspective. E. g. , ch 14 anxiety, depression, schizophrenia stem from abnormal levels of chemicals in the brain: the psychological perspective(s): Freud"s psychodynamic perspective: unconscious conflicts between id, ego, superego. The behavioral perspective (see classical & operant conditioning, p 428-429: we learn abnormal behaviors. The cognitive perspective: we learn abnormal ways of thinking, the sociocultural perspective.