Psychology 2035A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Oxycodone, Codeine, Motor Coordination

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One of heroin"s main effects is that it creates in the user, a sense of invulnerability, revelatory hallucinations, unbounded energy, euphoria. Answer: d: phil was introduced to heroin at a party, and ever since then he has been chasing his first high. He has been desperate to procure this powerful narcotic at any financial and personal cost. Answer: d: which of the following drugs is not considered a narcotic, heroin. b. Answer: b: the most significant narcotics problem in modern western society is the use of, heroin, cocaine, codeine, morphine. Answer: a: which of the following risks is not typically associated with narcotics use, overdose, flashbacks. Answer: b: drugs that induce sleep and decrease central nervous system activation are usually classified as, sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, amphetamines. Answer: a: the use of sedatives may result in accidental injury because they trigger hallucinations such as flying, produce a strong physical dependence, cause motor coordination to deteriorate, suppress pain warnings of physical harm.