Psychology 2035A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Personal Distress, Fundamental Attribution Error, Conversion Disorder

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What are the five sources of information people use to form impressions of others: appearance, verbal behavior, actions, nonverbal messages, situations. What are the differences between snap judgments vs. About others (cid:498)are those made quickly and based on only a few bits of information and preconceived notions. (cid:499) They are (cid:498)shortcuts(cid:499) that rely on automatic processing, and are used when we are not motivated to form an accurate impression of another person. Require more controlled processing and tend to occur when forming impressions of others that can affect our happiness or welfare personal dispositions, traits, abilities or feelings. Internal attributions: when people attribute the cause of other(cid:495)s behavior to. External attributions: when people attribute the cause of other(cid:495)s behavior to situational demands or environmental constraints. Confirmation bias: the tendency to seek information that supports one(cid:495)s beliefs while not pursuing disconfirming information.