Psychology 2035A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sweat Lodge, Negligent Homicide, Overchoice

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Psychology 2035 Midterm #1 Readings
Chapter One Psychology 2035
Paradox of progress
Technology has provided us with countless time saving devices
o But
We have no time
** It is because this technology allows us to take our work
home with us
o Making us feel like we have to work all the time
Making us chronically tired
Affecting work life and
mental/physical health
More life options available
o College courses
o Supermarket brands
o Work options
o Intimate relationships
o In this sense now people are more open in terms of
polygamy, not having children, same sex relations
o But
This has led to an increase in unexpected
costs *not monetary but associated with
these costs
Choice overload occurs
o Which can deplete our
mental resources
o Depressive disorders and
anxiety have risen in the past
50 years
Modern technology allows us to have the world at our fingertips
o But
It also destroys the environment
Water supply systems
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Food transportation
o The technological advances of the past century, impressive through they
may be, have not led to perceptible improvement in our collective health
and happiness
Critics argue that our sense of personal fulfillment has declined
not increased
Challenge of modern life: search for meaning, a sense of direction and a personal
The Search For Direction
People are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on self realization
o Scientology
o Mind Control
o Etc
In search of a greater purpose
o This is a huge scam
Sometimes harmful
Arizona 2009 3 people died and 18
were hospitalized after a 36 hour
famine and time spent in a sweat
lodge under the supervision of
guu Jaes Ra
People paid over 50,000$
One of the people that died only got
reimbursed HALF his money to his
In 2011
o James got convicted on three
counts of negligent homicide
Two million young adults are involved in cults
Dr Laura
o Talk show host
o She has no psychology experience
o She is mean and harsh
Yet millions tune in and ask for advice
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Self Help Books
Americans spend $650 million on self help books per year
They represent a symptom of our collective distress and our search for the secret
to happiness
They are encouraged
o Selectively
A great number often offer no value
Four fundamental shortcomings of self help books
o Dominated by psychobabble
Meaning they are ill defined, meaningless and are in favour of
jargon over effective communication
o Place more of an emphasis on sales than scientific soundness
Even when responsible authors provide valid advice they are
often overridden by money hungry publishers
o Do not provide explicit direction for behaviour change
o Encourage a remarkably self centered, narcissistic approach to life
Narcissism: personality trait marked by an inflated sense of
importance, a need for attention and admiration, a sense of
entitlement and a tendency to exploit others
Basic message in a lot of self help books is
Put yourself first, ignore others needs
What Is Psychology?
Psychology is both a science and profession
o In scientific terms: the behaviour and related mental and physiological
Where behaviour: any overt, observable response or activity by
an organism
Profession: began in the 1950s, post WW2
o During the second world war military needed to be screened for trauma
Clinical psychology gained popularity
Concerned with a branch of psychology concerned with
the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems
and disorders
What is Adjustment?
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Document Summary

50 years: modern technology allows us to have the world at our fingertips, but. The search for direction: people are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on self realization programs, scientology, mind control, etc. What is psychology: psychology is both a science and profession. What is adjustment: refers to the psychological processes through which people manage or cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life. The commitment to empiricism: empiricism is the premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation. In these empirical investigations scientists: formulate testable hypotheses, gather data relevant to their hypotheses, use statistics to analyze data, report their results to the public, typically published in journals. Experimental research: looking for causes: schechter, hypothesized that increases in anxiety would cause increase in the need to be with others, misery loves company, called: need for affiliation, he designed an experiment.