Psychology 2030A/B Final: Maladjusted Final Notes

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Intoxication included as a substance-induced disorder in the dsm: substance specific features vary depending on substance central nervous system. Commonly used licit drugs: caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Caffeine: caffeine: a central nervous system stimulant with a kick that boosts energy, mood, awareness, concentration, and wakefulness. It releases dopamine affecting pleasure and motivation centers. Epidemiology: despite declining smoking rates, 45. 3 million adults and 3 million adolescents still smoke, some date indicate african american adolescents start smoking at a later age than other groups. Alcohol: alcohol is a depressant, the active ingredient, ethyl alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream via the stomach and intestines. It"s then distributed throughout the body and acts to depress the central nervous system: alcohol increases gaba firing thus inhibiting other brain activity. Marijuana: marijuana: comes from the cannabis sativa plant which also produces the fiber known as hemp. Epidemiology: stimulant prevalence is approximately equal by sex.