Psychology 2010A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Field Dependence, Clark L. Hull, Intentionality

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Roots of cognitive approaches: darwin"s theory of evolution expanded thinking about human nature biological terms lead way to think about how mind develops and is influenced and shaped. Categorization: categorization automatic perceptual process by which highly complex ensembles of info are filtered into small number of identifiable and familiar objects and entities. Impossible not to categorize as experience the world through interpretations. Inattentive (no hyperactivity/impulsivity) and combined type (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity) Adhd-inattentive type: hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms of adhd-hyperactive/impulsive and adhd- Combined type associated with bis and neurological system in inhibiting learned responses to new stimuli: fail to outgrow problematic behaviours and have psychosocial problems through life. Interpersonal: people categorized by profile of intelligences rather than single global measure like. Explanatory style as a personality variable: explanatory style set of cognitive personality variables that captures a person"s habitual means of interpreting events in their life. In any environment people have variety of possible behaviours with some more likely.