Psychology 2010A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Reduced Cost, Operant Conditioning Chamber

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Locke viewed as infant as a blank slate (tabula rasa) on whom experiences of life would write: doesn"t rule out other assumptions of psych but elevates importance of situation, pavlov laid foundation for modern learning approaches. Behavioural patterns as a result of conditioning: neutral stimuli associated with positive occurrences become likes whereas negative responses become dislikes, pavlov provides a basis for explaining emotional aspects of personality. If children are never sure whether to expect praise/punishment from parents they may feel frustrated/anxious/depressed: pavlov"s studies of function and control rooted in darwin"s ideas. The origins of behaviorist approaches: watson"s behaviorism: freud & wundt studying psych using subjective analyses of human mind through free association no way to validate or verify data or conclusions. Rejection of introspection: behaviorism (watson) learning approach to psych that emphasizes study of observable behaviour, watson believed he could learn same things using animals that others learned by studying humans.