Psychology 1100E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Congenital Heart Defect, Myelin, Additive Color

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Organisms have an enormous capacity to overproduce and populations with few exceptions, Last process is what darwin meant by natural selection. Natural selection: the process by which favourable traits become increasingly common in a population of interbreeding individuals, while traits that are unfavourable become less com- mon. Evolution can be seen as the accumulation of the changes in the population due to natural selection. Behaviour provides vivid- and some of the most important examples of adaptive characteristics and reproductive advantage. Lasting impact on the study of the brain and behaviour. We can understand much of human behaviour through a critical analysis of its evolutionary. Wrote the book the origin of species in 1859 function/ adaptive signi cance. The transmission of genes and characteristics cross. Expressed and hidden elements of transmitted dominant and recessive traits and genes. Ss: dominant, ss: recessive these are known as alleles. Phenotypes: expression of genes (round seeds, crinkled seeds)