Psychology 1000 Midterm: Chapter 7_ Learning

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PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Habituation : i response strength to repeated stimulus experience produces an enduring change in behaviour /capabilities: saves energy. Unaware of habituated stimuli at the moment , but. Happens become aware in cns j differs from sensory adaptation (in sensory neurons) can. Behaviorism : focus on shh and to repeated stimulus response. Strict behaviorism is observable events called "black - box" psych (cid:8869) unknown , don"t care. C l a s s l c a l: pavlov. Learning trial : each time that learning response conditioned. More intense ucs = quicker learning consistently elicits a response. St in ks) and unconditioned stun ( ucs) are paired. Goal / process: ucs ucr (response) near es w us cu) cs cr (response) Pavlov"s dog: meat powder gcs) salivate 042) Not response contigent " doesn"t matter what dog does when food + bell. Forward short -delay : bell first and stops , then food ringing when food arrives.