Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Token Economy, Reinforcement, Social Skills

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Behavior therapies
Behavioural approaches emerged as dramatic departure from the assumptions and
methods that characterize psychoanalytic and humanistic therapies
Denied the importance of inner dynamics
Insisted that:
o Behaviour disorders are learned in the same ways normal behaviours are
o These maladaptive behaviours can be unlearned by application of principles
derived from research on classical conditional and operant conditioning
Classical Conditioning Treatments
Classical conditioning procesured have been used in two major ways
o Reduce or decondition anxiety responses
o Attemps to condition new anxiety responses to a particular class of stimuli
Most common classical conditioning procedures include…exposure therapies,
systematic desensitization and aversion therapy
Exposure: An Extinction Approach
Involves a pairing of the phobic object with an aversive unconditioned stimulus
As a result, phobic stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that elicits the
conditioned response of anxiety
Avoidance responses to the phonic situation are then reinforced by anxiety
Most direct way to reduce the dear is through a process of classical extinction of the
anxiety response
Exposure to the feared CD is the absence of the UCS while using response
prevention to keep the operant avoidance response from occurring
Client may be exposed to real-life stimuli (flooding) or may be asked to imagine
scenes involving the stimuli (implosion)
Anxiety will extinguish in time if the person remains in the presence of the CS and
the UCS does not occur
Exposure highly effective
Systematic Desensitization: A Counter-conditioning Approach
Joseph Wolpe introduced systematic desensitization
Goal was to eliminate the anxiety by using a procedure called counter-
conditioning, in which a new response that in incompatible with anxiety is
conditioned to the new anxiety-arousing CS
First step is to train the client in the skill of voluntary muscle relaxation
Next, client is helped to construct a stimulus hierarchy
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