Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Albert Bandura, Observational Learning, Thematic Apperception Test

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Trait and Biological Perspectives
Factor analysis statistical technique that permits a researcher to reduce a large
number of measures to a small number of clusters or factors
o Factor of introversion includes not attending parties, enjoying solitary activities,
Raymond B. Cattell developed 16 basic behaviour clusters of personality
Hans Eysenck proposed two basic dimensions of personality
o Introversion-Extraversion and Stability-Instability
o Added third factor called Psychoticism (creativity, impulsivity, social deviance)
Self Control
o Linked dimensions to differences in normal patterns of arousal in brain
Claimed introverts to be overaroused
Big Five factor model proposes that openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism are principle factors of personality
Mersho ad Gersuh foud that theories with ore traits suh as Cattell’s are etter
at predicting specific behaviours
Traits found to be both stable and changing
o Introversion-extraversion, emotionality, and activity level are quite stable
o Stability found in optimistic or pessimistic view to negative life events
Three fators ause diffiult i preditio o asis of persoalit traits’ relatio to
o Traits interact with other traits and characteristics in different situations
o Degree of consistency across situations is influenced by how important a given
trait is for a person
o People differ in tendency to tailor behaviour to what is called for by the situation
Self-monitoring personality trait that reflects people’s tedeies to
regulate social behaviour in accord with situational cues as opposed to
internal values, attitudes, and needs
Social Cognitive Theories
Social cognitive theorists combine behavioural and cognitive perspectives into an
approach to personality that stresses the interaction of a thinking human with a social
environment that provides learning experiences
o Take into account both internal and external factors
Reciprocal determinism two way causal relations between the person, behaviour, and
the environment
Julian Rotter: Expectancy, Reinforcement Value, and Locus of Control
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