Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Externalizing Disorders

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Schizophrenia a psychotic disorder that involves severe disturbances in thinking,
speech, perception, emotion, and behaviour
o Literally eas split id
Characteristic of Schizophrenia
o Diagnosis requires that a person misinterprets reality and exhibits disordered
attention, thought, and perception
o Delusions false beliefs that are sustained in the face of evidence that normally
would be sufficient to destroy them
o Hallucinations false perceptions that have a compelling sense of reality
o Emotions can be affected in several ways:
Some have blunted affect, manifesting less emotion that others
Some have flat affect, showing almost no emotion at all
Some have inappropriate affect, expressing a wrong emotion to a
Subtypes of Schizophrenia
o Four major subtypes of schizophrenia:
Paranoid type people believe that others mean to harm them, and
delusions of grandeur, in which they believe they are enormously
Disorganized type central features are confusion and incoherence,
together with severe deterioration of adaptive behaviour
Catatonic type shows striking motor disturbances, ranging from
muscular rigidity to random or repetitive movements
Undifferentiated type exhibit some symptoms and thought disorders of
other categories, but not enough to be diagnosed in a category
o Two main categories on basis of two classes of symptoms:
Type I schizophrenia predominance of positive symptoms (delusions,
hallucinations, and disordered speech)
Called positive because they represent pathological extremes of
normal processes
Type II schizophrenia predominance of negative symptoms (lack of
emotional expression, loss of motivation, and absence of normal speech)
Causal Factors in Schizophrenia
o Strong evidence for a genetic predisposition, though specific genes are still
o Can be caused by destruction of neural tissue
Mild to moderate brain atrophy often observed
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