Political Science 3366E- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 54 pages long!)

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P o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e 3 3 6 6 e. Conflict: latin, con = together, fligere = to strike, people strike together which is what we get when we think of conflict, violence. Imply the threat of violence: not necessary, lack of it does not mean lack of conflict. R and r definition: antagonistic relationship there are feelings of hostility, hate, anger, relationship different forms of relationship (moral/ethical) Is not objectively understandable, something valuable to both parties: largely subjective. Interests: goals for self and others (relationship, linked to desires power, money, glory. Individuals and groups can be vessels for interests. Needs: lack of something deemed important or essential, often for survival, maslo(cid:449)(cid:859)s hierar(cid:272)hy of (cid:374)eeds, material needs, non-material needs. September 19, 2017: emotional attachment, sentimental attachment, not open to reason/argument as an means for invalidation as need, burton: non-negotiable = must protect, must preserve, must keep as symbol.