Political Science 3334E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mens Rea, Grievous Bodily Harm, Actus Reus

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The postal rule: adams v lindsell (1818) On 2 september, the defendants wrote to the plaintiffs offering to sell them certain fleeces of wool and requiring an answer in the course of post. The defendants misdirected the letter so that the plaintiffs did not receive it until 5 september. The plaintiffs posted their acceptance on the same day but it was not received until 9 september. September, the defendants, not having received an answer by 7. September as they had expected, sold the wool to someone else. Elements of a criminal offence = actus reus + mens rea + absence of a recognised defence. Negligence falling below an appropriate standard of care. Recklessness state of mind where a person deliberately and unjustifiably pursues a course of action while consciously disregarding any risks flowing from this action. Gross negligence a conscious or voluntary act or omission in reckless disregard of a legal duty and the consequences to another party.