Political Science 2245E Study Guide - Final Guide: Lee Kuan Yew, Stanley G. Payne, Trasformismo

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October 28 totalitarianism, authoritarianism, nondemocracy: sources and. Pursuit of fundamental unity of state and society incorporating and mobilizing masses focusing energies exclusively on ideological goals: applied first primarily to germany, then extended in cold war to soviet. A regime feature rule not by the people, but by a constitutionally unaccountable leader, group, or organization. Emphasizes authoritarianism as not just pre-democratic, but also pseudo-democratic and post-democratic: nondemocratic", according to rulers and legitimacy formulae: Military rule brings end to (democratic) disorder. Communism stalin pursued forceful creation of new. Sources of authoritarianism: economic underdevelopment, concentration of wealth, economic resource curse, alexander gerschenkron the advantages of backwardness : later industrializers rely increasingly on institutional substitutes for individual entrepreneurs, statist ideologies, cultural, but . Some religions not suited to democracy religions broadly interpretable religious/cultural case often wrong. Berman: high social capital no defense germany. Totalitarianism: term originated in italy of 1920s, challenges modernization theory (e. g. lipset, barrington moore"s 3 routes to modernity: